How Long Is The Transfer Time From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca

The transfer time from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca is approximately 30 – 35 minutes by car. The time may vary slightly, depending on traffic. However, the roads from the airport to Playa Blanca are generally quite good and not very busy.

In this short guide we answer the many frequently asked question about Transfers  From Lanzarote Airport (ACE) To Playa Blanca






What Is The Distance From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

The distance from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca is approximately 20.5 miles (33.2 kilometers). This is directly via the LZ-2 road from the airport straight down to Playa Blanca.


Types Of Transfer From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

There are several different options in terms of transfers from the airport, which include:

  • Bus
  • Shuttle Bus
  • Private Transfers
  • Taxi
  • Car Hire


Best Transfer Time From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

As we have mentioned previously, the best transfer time would be around 30 minutes. However, this is achieved by road in a car. If you are looking at transfer options and want the quickest form of transfer, the you should consider:

  • Taxi
  • Private Transfer
  • Hiring a Car

The other forms of transfer would take a little longer!


What Is The Best Transfer Option:

The best transfer option for you is simply determined by several different factors. Everyone’s circumstances are different and therefore what is the best for one person, may not be the best for another. The main factors that will determine which is the best form of transfer for you, are:

  • Your Budget
  • Size of The Party You Are Travelling with
  • Time Of Arrival

Obviously, your budget will play a large part in deciding which form of transfer you take. The amount of people travelling in your party will be a major factor to consider. Also, the time of your arrival into Lanzarote Airport may well determine whether you can catch a bus or not.


Cheapest Way To Get From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

Without doubt, one of the cheapest ways to get from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca is the local bus. The local bus service operates at regular times throughout the day from outside the airport. Not only that but it provides a cheap form of transfer to Playa Blanca from the Lanzarote Airport. As a result, if you are travelling alone or on a limited budget, then the local bus service is definitely worth considering!



Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca Bus:

The local bus service is bus number 161. As previously mentioned, the bus runs from the airport at regular intervals throughout the day. The bus runs from Lanzarote Airport to Muelle de Playa Blanca in the resort of Playa Blanca. The 161 bus service departs from the designated bus stop outside the airport terminal. 


Journey Time of The Bus From Lanzarote Arrecife Airport To Playa Blanca:

The journey time for the 161 bus to Playa Blanca from the airport is approximately 1 hour.

 Please Note:  The bus does stop at Puerto del Carmen on route to Playa Blanca.


First and Last Bus:

Currently, the first bus from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca is 07.30am and the last bus is 21.30pm. However, these times are subject to change and it is advisable to check the current timetables before travelling.

Below you will see the current times for the first and last bus from Lanzarote (Arrecife) Airport to Playa Blanca.

 Please Note:  The time does change slight at weekends.


First Bus: 07.30am 

Last Bus: 21.30pm 


First Bus: 08.00am

Last Bus: 20.00pm


First Bus: 08.00am

Last Bus: 20.00pm

However, these times are subject to change and it is advisable to check the current timetables before travelling.

You can check the Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca and Playa Blanca to airport bus timetable below:

Current Bus Timetable For Service 161


Shared Shuttle:

Shared Shuttle Bus Transfer Time From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

The transfer time to Playa Blanca from the airport takes a little longer when using a shared shuttle. This is simply due to the fact that the shared shuttle buses are usually mini buses or smaller coaches. Another reason for the journey time being a little longer is because there will be several drop offs on route at other hotels. However, if you are travelling on a budget in a larger group, then a shared shuttle can be a low cost form of transfer.


Private Transfer:

Private Transfers From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

Private transfers from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca are probably the quickest form of transfer. You will be designated your own driver, who will meet you in the main Arrivals Lobby and the airport. The private transfer will be solely and exclusively tailored to you and your parties needs and requirements. As a result, you will then be driven from the airport you to your requested destination and accommodation.

However, they are also one of the most expensive forms of transfer too! This said, if there are several people travelling in your group, where the cost can be shared, it is worth considering. Obviously, if you are travelling on a limited budget or travelling alone, it can work out very costly.



Taxi From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

Taxis are available from outside the main terminal building. Taxis are another quick form of transfer from the airport to Playa Blanca. Due to this fact, just like private transfers, they are also an expensive option. However, unlike a private transfer, you will not be met in the Arrivals area by your driver. As a result, you will have to wait in the queue at the taxi rank outside the terminal, for the next available taxi.


How Much Is A Taxi From Lanzarote Airport To Playa Blanca:

Currently, a taxi from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca will cost approximately €50. However, this price can vary and will depend on where it is in Playa Blanca you are travelling to. 

 Tip:  It is advisable to always ask the driver how much the taxi will cost before you get in the taxi and set off.


Car Hire:

Car hire is a very popular form of transfer for many different reasons. Not only does it provide you with a quick and convenient form of transfer but it also provides you with transport for the duration of your stay. As a result, it allows you to explore much more of Lanzarote than you would be able to on public transport.

Obviously, car hire is more expensive than some of the other transfer options. However, if there are several people travelling with you and the cost can be shared, it is certainly worth considering!


We hope that this short guide has been useful in answering any question you had about transfer time from Lanzarote Airport to Playa Blanca.