Before Travel Tips And Money Saving Information

‘Before Travel’ the one stop portal and user friendly way to book your holiday and travel extras! Ensuring you have all the things you need ‘Before You Travel’.

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Popular Pages:

Airport Hotels

Eliminate all the worry and stress by staying at one of the many airport hotels before or after your flight.

Airport Lounges

Take full advantage of the airport lounges and wait for your flight in comfort, with complimentary food and drink.

Airport Parking

Compare prices for parking at all the major airports in the UK.

Airport Parking With Hotel

Why not stay overnight at the airport before your flight, with one of the many parking and hotel packages available.

Airport Taxis

Pre-book your taxis in advance and eliminate all the stress of waiting in the queue at the airport.

Airport Transfers

Discover the best airport transfer options to suit your needs, requirements and budget.

Car Hire

Compare car hire with major car rental companies in over 30,000 locations Worldwide.


Be inspired by exotic destinations and luxury cruise liners.

Flight Comparisons

Compare flight prices from major airlines worldwide.

Train Tickets

Find the best deals on train tickets in Europe and discover some of the best train journeys in the world.


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Discover the latest from all the major travel companies you use throughout the year to book your travel arrangements. If you are thinking about booking flights, hotels, holidays, car hire, rail travel, airport lounges, villas, apartments, hostels, travel insurance, travel money, cruises, ferries, theatre tickets, city tours or city passes, you really need to ensure you receive this FREE information.

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Why Use The Before Travel Website

Travel is part of our lives, whether it is for business or recreation. As a result, wherever possible, it doesn’t harm to gain and use a little travel intelligence. We all love to get away on holiday but the initial task of booking the holiday and all the travel extras can be a frustrating and a very time consuming experience.

The Internet has made it much easier and often much cheaper for the individual to book their own  travel arrangements. However, the Internet is  full of many different websites. These websites all offer flights, hotels, car hire, travel insurance, currency exchange, airport parking, airport transfers and many other travel extras. Trawling through every individual website can be a complete nightmare! Trying to find the best ones and find the best deals to suit your travel requirements, needs and budget is hard. It really is amazing how many people spend a lot more money booking their travel than is necessary. This is usually simply because they do not know where to look, to find the best deals.  Even when they have booked their holiday, they forget the other travel extras they need. These are essential things they may need to buy before embarking on their travels.

Saving Even More Money On Your Travel Extras With Before Travel:

No matter where you are travelling to throughout the world, there are many things you need to consider. There are several factors, precautions and provision you NEED to have in place before travel.  These are all travel items that no matter how or when you book them, will cost you money. These are all fixed costs and necessities that you will need, to allow you to reach your chosen destination. One of the biggest ways to save money on your travels, is to simply pre-book everything you possibly can, before you travel. Using this website will not only help you find the best deals but it will also provide you with FREE information to save you money. This includes information about discount codes and offers from major companies, that will allow you to save even more money on your future travel.


So, what can you expect to find on this website?

As well as offering information about all the latest travel discounts, travel voucher codes and travel deals from major travel companies, we have also tried to offer travel solutions. As a result, we cover the many different topics that people may find a little confusing. Throughout the website, you will find articles on a wide range of travel related issues and many offer links to expert travel advice. We have tried to make this website as easy as possible for you to navigate. As a result, we have provided you with several ways to find what you are looking for. We have listed all the articles above in the main header menu and we have also listed them down the right hand side of the website. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, simply type the keyword in to the search box on the top right hand side of the website and hopefully, it will return the results you require.

More Popular Pages:

Below, we have listed a number of pages to get you started and hope you find them beneficial to help with your travel planning. Free Service: Receive FREE alerts for all the latest deals, voucher codes and special offers.

Travel Insurance:

If you are planning a trip or holiday, one thing you should ensure you have in place is adequate travel insurance. There are several different types of travel insurance available from Flight Insurance to Annual Insurance and if you would like to read more about travel insurance and find the best deals, please visit the following page: Travel Insurance

Bus Travel:

Plan you bus trip

Golf Travel:

Articles to help make your Golf travel cheaper and more enjoyable

Travel Guides:

If you are looking for a travel guide for your holiday, this page may provide you with some useful information

Basic Travel Checklist:

It’s amazing to see how many people forget to book or purchase the very basics they need before they leave on their travels. Having a basic checklist before travel can be a good way of ensuring you do not forget any of the major essentials you should have in place before you leave your house. The following is a very basic step by step checklist that you can use to remind you of what you need.

Step By Step Travel Planner To Use Before Travel

Following this easy step by step guide will help you seamlessly through the process of booking your travel and ensure you have everything you need in places before you travel and at the best price possible. Firstly, Before You Go Any Further:

Is Your Passport Valid  And Do You know Where It Is, Before Travel?

Yes, this may seem like a stupid question but if it is not valid or you have lost it, you will not be able to travel. Believe me, it is better to check NOW today before you book your travel arrangements, than find out the night before you travel or worse still, when you arrive at the airport check-in desk to be told your passport is not valid.  Yes, this happens all too often and it is unbelievable, just how many people make this mistake. They discover the night before they travel, that they cannot find their passport or worse still, actually turn up at the airport, only to be told their passport is out of date!

Warning: Even if your passport has not yet expired and will not expire until after you return home from your holiday, many countries will not allow you to enter unless your passport is not only valid for the duration of your holiday or stay in that country but is also valid for a certain period of time after your entry or return back to your own country!  If you are unsure about  a countries regulation regarding entry or need to renew your passport, you can find more information following the link below: Passport Office IPS Passport Advice line on 0300 222 0000.  Open 8.00 am to 8.00 pm Monday – Friday – 9.00 am – 5.30 pm weekends and public holidays.

Register Passport Before Travel     Some airlines and travel companies now require you to register your passport details before travel. This passport registration before travel is known as Advance Passenger Information or API. API is required by several the governments of certain countries before you visit and you are required to provide certain information from your Passport. If you do not provide the required information and register passport before travel you will not be able to travel!

A Couple Of Other Things You may Need To Know Before Travel

Do You Need Jabs? There are several countries throughout the world where jabs are recommended for visitors. These jabs are to protect you from various contagious  diseases that you may be exposed to on your visit. Depending on which country you are traveling to, will depend on which jabs are recommended. Some countries require multiple jabs and will need to administered over a certain period of time before travel. If you are traveling to a country where jabs are recommended or you are not sure if the country you are visiting requires jabs, please click on the link below to find out more: Which Countries you require jabs for and which jabs you will need


Do You Require A Visa Or Any Other Documentation Many countries stipulate that you require a visa to gain entry to that country. If you are in any doubt as to whether you may need a visa to travel, it is advisable to check and make sure before you travel.  You can find out which countries you will need a visa for by visiting the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. To visit their website, simply click on the following link: Foreign & Commonwealth Office


European Health Insurance Card – EHIC: The European Health Insurance Card is a card that covers you throughout the European Economic Areas and it is a necessity for any individual to carry. To read more about the EHIC, simply click on the link:  European Health Insurance Card Information Ok, so now your passport is valid and in a safe place, you have your EHIC and you know whether or not you require jabs or a visa, now it is time to start booking your travel arrangements and saving time and money!


Idependent Travel Or Package Many people like the freedom and adventure that independent travel offers and others enjoy the security and peace of mind having booked a package holiday through an agent where everything is done for you. The bottom line is, it all comes down to personal preference! If you are looking for the best deals on package holidays, simply click on the link to begin searching: Find the best deals on Package Holidays If you are wanting to book your travel independently, simply follow the simple step by step guide below:

The Simple Step By Step Process For Booking The Things You Need Before Travel: Travel Essentials