Flight Time From UK: The flight time to Iceland from the UK is approximately 3 hours depending on which airport in the you fly from.

Nearest Airport: Keflavík International Airport (also known as Reykjavík-Keflavík Airport) is the largest and main airport in Iceland. The airport is located approximately 50klms (30 miles) from the centre of Reykjavík. There is also another airport in Reykjavík which is ‘Reykjavík Domestic’ Airport. Iceland has many other smaller airports that service a number of different towns in Iceland.

Location: Iceland is situated between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, East of Greenland and immediately south of the Arctic Circle.

Capital: Reykjavik is the Capital of Iceland.

Population: Approximately 300,000.

Currency: Icelandic Krona (ISK).

Language: Icelandic.

Time Zome: GMT +00:00

Climate: Iceland has an unpredictable climate and experiences changeable weather.

Summer: Summer months are mild. In the Summer months in Reykjavik, there is nearly 24 hours of daylight.

Winter: Winter months are cold.

Water Temperature: January approximately 5.4°C /41.8°F August 11.3°C/52.4°F

Things To See And Do: Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) – Golden Circle, Blue Lagoon, Hallgrímskirkja, Gulfoss, National Museum Of Iceland, Perlan, The Sun Voyager, Reykjavik, Dynjandi, Harpa, Akureyrarkirkja, Hlíðarfjall Akureyri

Top Attractions: Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) – The Blue Lagoon

Iceland has may different attractions but two of the most popular attraction that Iceland is famous for is the Northern Lights, which attracts a large number of vistors each year and the Blue Lagoon.

The Blue Lagoon is located just 23 klms from Keflavik International Airport to and 47klms from Reykjavík. The geothermal wonder is set in the lava fields of Iceland and is the perfect palce to relax.

Public Holidays: Easter, Christmas and New Year are the same as Uk.

1 March Beer Day

1 May May Day

17 June Icelandic National Day

19 June Women’s rights day

24 June Nativity of St John the Baptist

16 November Icelandic Language Day

1 December Self-governance Day

23 December Holy Þorlák’s Day

Events and Festivals:

Thorrablot January

The Food and Fun Festival in February-March

The Reykjavik Art Festival From May 18th – 03 June

Independence day in Iceland 17 June

Summer Solstice in Iceland 21 June

The Folk Festival in Iceland In early July in Siglufjörður

Music festivals in Iceland Þjóðhátíð í Eyjum early August

Gay pride in Iceland August

Fish Day in Iceland August Fiskidagurinn mikli (Great Fish Day)

Literature Festival In September

Reykjavík, RIFF Reykjavík International Film Festival Late September

Iceland Airwaves October

Markets: Kolaportið Flea Market in Reykjavik is probably the most well-known market in Iceland.

Car Rental: Car rental in Iceland can be a great way to get around and you can collect car hire from the airport or downtown.

City Passes: Reykjavík City Card

Shopping: The main shopping can be found in Reykjavik on Laugavegur street, Skolavordustigur and Hverfisgata. The shopping in Reykjavik is certainly diverse and has a large number of shops and boutiques selling the latest fashion, clothing, antiques, books, souvenirs as well as traditional Icelandic products. The Kringlan shopping mall is also a good place for shopping with many different outlets.

Shop Opening Times: The shops in Reykjavik are usually open from 9am-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 5pm on Saturday.

Golf: Iceland has quite a few different golf courses to choose from, in fact it has over 60 courses andsome even offer 24 hour golf.

Hotels And Accommodation: Iceland has a large number of hotels and other types of accommodation to choose from to suit all budgets and preferences. To read more about the best hotels and find the best deals for your chosen destination in Iceland, please click on the following link: Best Hotels In Iceland

Hotels and Accommodation In Iceland

Restaurants: No matter what your taste may be you will find something to suit your taste. Seafood, meat and game is traditional in Iceland with many restaurants specialising in these cuisines.

Nightlife: The main nightlife can be found in around Reykjavik on Laugavegur street. There are plenty of bars to choose from and which usually stay open until the early hours of the morning and later at the weekend.

New Year: Iceland has a reputation of enjoying itself on New Year’s Eve with plenty of festivities, parties and fireworks.

Money Saving Tips: Reykjavík City Card

Hostels: Iceland has a number of hostels to choose from.

Useful Telephone Numbers:

Emergency Services 112

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